This project is meant to be used in conjunction with Managed Service for Apache Flink in-place version upgrades to illustrate and demonstrate the feature. In this project you will find 3 Apache Flink applications with 3 corresponding Apache Flink versions: v1.8, v1.15, and v1.18. In each folder, you will find instructions on how to compile the code under src/main/resources.
But two fully illustrative demos are available in the root of the project, simulating a successful upgrade, and a rollback to the upgrade. These scripts are not meant to be executed standalone, but many of the requests can be made synchronously--one after the other.
- Compile the code for the application you wish to upgrade (instructions in respective repo of project)
- Upload the application artifact to Amazon S3
- Update the code in to match the location of your application artifact(s).
- Run the commands sequentially.